So January has come and gone and it’s time to welcome February. I like February. It’s the shortest month of the year and one of my favourite days falls within it…Pancake Day!
In my first blog of 2017 ‘Small Things Make the Big Difference’, I spoke about how I will set myself 12 small and attainable goals each month instead of one big New Years resolution. If you missed it, you can find it here.
Now, according to The Guardian, a whopping 66% of people have already broken their New Years Resolution. I’m very pleased to say that this year I am not one of them. Last year I definitely was though!
I managed to complete a Headspace meditation every day and here is the proof.
Meditating every day was rewarding and definitely made me feel calmer and more focused. I chose to follow the ‘Motivation’ pack as, being honest, I wasn’t sure how I would respond returning to full time training after an amazing period post Rio.
So…tick! I completed my January challenge meaning it’s now time to turn my focus onto Februarys challenge.
February’s goal is simple and small.
Read more books
Nowadays, we are all guilty of spending too much time wired to technology, especially phones. Instead of scrolling through social media when I’m bored or before going to bed, I’m going to start reading again.
During my teenage years I really loved reading about other and finding out about their paths to becoming professional athletes.
The first book I will be reading is Unexpected by Greg Rutherford. If you have any idea’s for book number 2, please share and comment below.