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New Year's Resolution: June

A coffee a day keeps the doctor away. That's what Ive decided after May.

My challenge for the past month was to only have one coffee a day. Challenge accepted and challenge completed. What I've realised? I don't need a coffee as soon as I get up. 10.30am to 12noon is usually when my mid morning slump occurs and when a coffee is most welcome.

"Do you want to go for a coffee?" is a well used phrase in and around the GB Women's Squad. I had my fair few coffee dates with team mates this month and have decided to share their coffee habits with you...

Name: Sabbie Heesh​​

Position: Goal Keeper

Coffee Choice: Skinny flat white

Favourite Brand: Grind (London)

Cups a day: 2

Name: Hannah Martin

Position: Midfield/Forward

Coffee Choice: Chai latte

Favourite Brand: Costa

Cups a day: 2

Name: Grace Balsdon

Position: Defender

Coffee Choice: Aussie latte

Favourite Brand: Willows (Canterbury

Cups a day: 2

Name: Lily Owsley

Position: Forward

Coffee Choice: Latte

Favourite Brand: Coopers (Marlow

Cups a day: 4

And for good measures I've added a tea drinker for all those non coffee drinkers out there, Oldham's finest....

Name: Nic White

Position: Midfield

Coffee Choice: N/A, tea only (she's Northern)

Favourite Brand: Yorkshire tea

Cups a day: 4


Now onto June's New Years Resolution. Food is a big part of most peoples lives and something that should be enjoyed. I never want food to be boring to me, I want to enjoy it. Therefore I have come up with the following to help with this.

June's goal is simple and small.

To have a different evening meal every day this month

It's so easy to get into a routine and just cook the same things over and over again because they're easy or quick or convenient. I've got a lot of cook books but don't use them as much as I should. I'll try and add variety to my evening meals and post about my favourite new recipes in my July blog. Luckily for me, all my lunches are taken care off (thanks Soulmate Foods) so no excuse not to put effort into the evening meal now!

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